From Australia to Denmark
I graduated from University of Technology in Sydney with a BA (First Class Hon.) in Design, Visual Communication. During my 10 years in Australia I worked at three design studios, gaining experience in corporate design and identity work.

After returning to to Denmark, I took on the role as the creative responsible in International Marketing at the pharmaceutical company, LEO Pharma. Since 2008 I have been working independently: My studio is called Designeriet. That translate into “The designery” as my assignments are quite varied. To name a few of my valued clients: The Danish Technical University, The Museum of Copenhagen, the foundation Helsefonden and various publishing houses.
Visual communication is my forte
I have a lot of experience in how to communicate a message visually. My approach is creative and I command several graphic techniques from colourful naive illustrations, pleasing surface patterns, data visualization to a precise corporate logo.
Creativity with a strategic focus
My approach to graphic design is strategic and operational. My process involves researching the visual DNA of the existing brand: where are we presently and where do we want to be in the future? Who is the sender and who is the target audience and how will they find the information?
A strong network
As a solo designer I am fortunate to have a strong and reliable network of professionals within photography, web, marketing and copy writing. I am also part of the creative community “Ladies Drawing Night CPH” with 10 other designers.
It is always a joy to work with Ullas professional mindset. We highly recommend her for any design and creative marketing projects.
Ole Fast, CEO Fastcom
Examples of Assignments
Logo and graphic identity
Logo design and development of a new visual identity. But also revitalization of an existing logo and corporate identity
Preparing to go market
Sale and marketing materials, packaging, campaigns, adds – print and online
Corporate visibility
PowerPoint presentation, design of annual report, exhibition design
Social Media
Campaigns, graphics and content
Book design
Design of book jacket and inside pages
Complex data visualized, explainers
Unique and colorful hand drawn illustrations
Layout of scientific reports
Surface patterns
Ask me about my pattern port folio of beautiful surface design for licensing, or contact me for any collaboration.
Contact me at:
T: + 45 22 32 88 47
Ulla has since 2007 taught how to use colours and the students have all been very satisfied with her approach, fine personality and extensive knowledge
Hernik Birkvig, Programme director, Danmarks Medie-og Journalisthøjskole
My professional experience

My Australian Education
I received a BA (First Class Honours) in Design, Visual Communication from University of Technology (UTS) in Sydney.
I lived and worked in Australia for 10 years and was employed at three large design studios: Designate, Extro Design and Emery Vincent Design.
Emery Vincent Design is one of Australias most highly esteemed design studios. We often collaborated with architects and Ive been working on several large projects.
As a senior designer I created the visual identity for 45 fresh food stalls at Stadium Australia, a permanent exhibition for the Australian Patent and Trademark Organisation as well as annual reports and signage for restaurants in the then newly built Sydney Casino.
Creative Responsible at LEO Pharma
Through my 8 years at LEO Pharma, ind the International Marketing department I learned how to visually communicate to a highly specialized audience – within the ethical guidelines for pharma marketing.
I designed launch campaigns about dermatology, nephrology, coagulation and D-Vitamin. Often in collaboration with international copy writers.
I strengthed the LEO Pharma brand through design of annual reports and recruitment campaigns like “Tools of Innovation” targeted scientists.
In collaboration with the R&D staff I also created a series of permanent exhibitions, communicating the science of pharma.
Click here view pictures of my work for LEO Pharma.
Educator and External Examiner
For several years Ive been lecturing at the Danish School for Media and Journalism (DMJX) in the topics graphic creativity and colour. At DMJX I developed a program with exam for the BA students in graphic design and post graduate students.
I sometimes teach a workshop or give a talk. Recently I’ve held three creative workshops for children at the Museum of Copehagen.The photo above is from a workshop at The Union for Danish Union of Journalism.
Today I have the privilige to be an external examiner. It is wonderful to see how the next generation approaches the profession.

The Danish Design Award
My first job when returning to Denmark was as a graphic designer at the studio 11 Danes.
I designed logos for a the bank, Slagelse Sparekasse, and the organisation TIC Denmark, for which I and director Steffen Gullmann received the Danish Design Award.
Ulla is the strongest person in Denmark I know, when it comes to colors.
Samia Kappe, CCO and Director of Sales and Marketing, Novo Nordisk Pharmatech

After less than 2 months of using Ulla’s graphic illustrations in our organisational work, we are already seeing clear benefits
Jesper Holst PMO, Danish Offshore Technology Centre
Akademisk Forlag
Arla Food Ingredients
Australia Council for the Arts
Bio People
CiBiD Group
Coegin Pharma
Dansk Journalistforbund
Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole
Dansklærerforeningens Forlag
Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
Danske Regioner
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag
Den Økologiske Produktionshøjskole
DTU Offshore
Farum Lilleskole
Fonden Ensomme Gamles Værn
Forlaget Praxis
Forlaget Sort Kat
3F Fælles Fagligt Forbund
Farum Lilleskole
Gyldendal Fakta
Gyldendal Uddannelse
Hans Reitzels Forlag
Københavns Kommune
Københavns Museum
Lindhardt og Ringhof Uddannelse
LEO Pharma
Novo Nordisk Fonden
McDonalds Danmark
Mega Fortris
Millpond Optics
RYK Fonden
Steno Museet
Viking Danmark
Udeliv med Indlevelse
UU Herning
My valued clients:
Akademisk Forlag
Arla Food Ingredients
Australia Council for the Arts
Bio People
CiBiD Group
Coegin Pharma
Danmarks Medie- og
Dansk Journalistforbund
Danske Regioner
Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
Dansklærerforeningens Forlag
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag
Den Økologiske Produktionshøjskole
DTU Offshore
Farum Lilleskole
Fonden Ensomme Gamles Værn
Forlaget Praxis
Forlaget Sort Kat
3F Fælles Fagligt Forbund
Gyldendal Uddannelse
Hans Reitzels Forlag
Københavns Kommune
Københavns Museum
Lindhardt og Ringhof
LEO Pharma
Mega Fortris
Millpond Optics
RCYN – Ressource Center Ydre Nørrebro
RYK Fonden
Steno Museet
Viking Danmark
Udeliv med Indlevelse
UU Herning
Designeriet · Ulla Korgaard · Nørrebrogade 5C · Baghuset 2 sal · 2300 København S · T: 22 32 88 47 · · CVR 26951151